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Communications During Service

Providers and customers can communicate with each other during the service. This is important to ensure that the service is provided as expected and to solve any issues that may arise.


Do not share personal or sensitve information such as phone numbers, email addresses, or credit card information. All communication must be done through the Mailjour platform and netheir the customer nor the provider should ask for or provide personal contact or sensitive information.

To send the customer or provider a message, follow these steps:

  • Go to the "Parcels" section
  • Select the "Active" tab (it should be set by default)
  • Look for the Parcel you want to communicate about and tap on the "More details" button
  • Scroll down to the "Comments" section
  • Tap on "Add comment"
  • Add your message and tap on "Send"
  • The message will be sent to the customer or provider and they will be notified instantly.

As you may have noticed, communication is directly related to an active package and it is not possible to maintain communication between the parties outside the scope of the service.


Please be respectful and professional when communicating with the customer or provider. Any inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and may result in the suspension of your account. Read more about our Terms and Conditions and our Code of Conduct.


If you already tried to communicate with the customer or provider, but they are not responding, please contact our support team at