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Bidding is a way for providers to make service offers on your requests.

The bids you receive can be accepted manually or automatically, as long as the offer and the profile of the provider meet your needs.

Manual Bid Acceptance/Rejection

Manual acceptance of bids is the most controlled and secure (but least agile) way of accepting a service offer.

You will be notified by email or push notification to your Mailjour Terminal application, when a supplier has placed a bid on one of your active requests.

Accepting a Bid (web app)

  • Go to the "Bids" section
  • Look for the bid you want to accept and tap on the "Accept Bid" button
  • Check the details of the bid and click on "Continue"
  • The system will pre-authorize the payment on you default payment method. If you don't have a default payment method, you will be prompted to provide a Credit Card. NOTE: No charges will be made at this point. This is only a pre-authorization to ensure that you have the funds to pay for the service.
  • Once the payment is pre-authorized, the bid will be accepted and the supplier will be notified.
  • You'll have to wait for the supplier to confirm the bid. Once the bid is confirmed, a Parcel will be created and the service will be scheduled.

Rejecting a Bid (web app)

  • Go to the "Bids" section
  • Look for the bid you want to reject and tap on the "Reject Bid" button
  • Confirm the action

Confirmed bids cannot be rejected. Once a bid is confirmed, you are legally bound to pay the provider the service for the price you have accepted.


When you create a service request, you can enable automatic bidding. If enabled, our systems will automatically accept bids on incoming service requests that meet your requirements.


Automated bid acceptance follows only a strict matching of collection times, delivery, supplier qualification and maximum price. The supplier's offer must strictly comply with these criteria or the bid will not be accepted.