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ID Verification

Ensuring the identity of individuals on the internet is a complex task that requires the use of complex systems to differentiate between real people and software and to ensure the veracity of the data provided.

On the other hand, sending, transporting and receiving parcels are actions that carry legal, commercial and personal responsibilities, which must necessarily be associated with a fully identifiable person or legal entity.

For these reasons, Mailjour has implemented a system of identity verification that allows us to ensure that the people who use our platform are who they say they are, and that they have the legal capacity to send, transport or receive parcels.

As identity verification process involves the development of complex logical systems and the implementation of extreme security measures, we decided to delegate this process to an external provider specialised in this field, in order to meet the highest standards in terms of reliability and data protection.

Since 29 March 2024, we work with Stripe® and specifically with their Identity service, to perform all identity checks for new users registering with Mailjour. Prior to this date, we used the services provided by Veriff®, which are no longer available through our systems.

Applicable terms and conditions

By using the services provided by Mailjour, you agree to the terms and conditions of the platform (,, which include the obligation to verify your identity in order to use the services provided by Mailjour. This also includes reading, understanding and agreeing to the terms and conditions of the identity verification service provided by Stripe® in your region. For more information you can visit the Stripe® website (

How does it work?

After you create a new account on Mailjour, you will be asked to verify your identity, in order to activate your account. Once you start the verification process, a modal window will open, where you will be asked to either upload your data or scan a QR code with your mobile device.

The system will ask you to provide a valid identification document, such as a passport, ID card, driver's license, etc., and to take a selfie with your mobile device. This information will be securely sent to Stripe®, which will perform several synthetic validation tests to ensure the authenticity of the document provided.

According to Stripe®, some of these tests are performed using AI-based technology and in some cases, manual review by a human may be required.

When Stripe completes the verification process, it notifies our systems about the decision of the process and if successful, the verification status of your account is changed to "Verified".

In the event that the verification cannot be completed or has failed, you will be able to go through the verification process again.

Why do we need this information?

The information you provide during the verification process is necessary to ensure that you are a real person and that you have the legal capacity to send, transport or receive parcels. This information is also necessary to comply with the legal requirements of the countries where we operate, and to ensure the security of the platform and the data of all users.

In particular, we need your identity to:

  • Ensure that you are a real person and not a bot.
  • Ensure that you have the legal capacity to send, transport or receive parcels.
  • Holding providers responsible for the packages they carry.
  • Holding senders responsible for the contents of the packages they send.
  • Comply with the legal requirements of the countries where we operate.
  • Ensure the security of the platform and the data of all users.
  • Prevent fraud, smuggling, drug trafficking, terrorism and other illegal activities.

What happens if I don't verify my identity?

If you do not verify your identity, you will not be able to use the services provided by Mailjour.

Please note that you must request closure of your account if you are not willing to verify your identity. We reserve the right to delete any unverified account, if more than 90 days have passed after account creation.

How is my data secured?

At Mailjour we take the security of the data you share with us very seriously, especially sensitive data such as your identity.

We have therefore implemented the necessary security measures to ensure that your data remains secure on our systems, such as high-level encryption during data transfer and while it is at rest in our databases.

On the other hand, we only store in our systems information that is strictly necessary, such as your legal name, your date of birth and the number identifying the document you have provided (this number varies from country to country).

We do not store selfies, photos or copies of your ID documents on our systems, which are processed by Stripe and kept securely stored on their systems.

Is my identifying information shared with other users or third parties?

We do not share your details with other users or third parties, except in the following specific cases:

  • With Stripe®, to perform identity verification.
  • With service providers who have a mandatory need for your information in order to provide a service, e.g. customs clearance, legal or fiscal requirements, or by the competent authorities.
  • In case we receive a legal request from the competent authorities, in which case we are obliged to provide the requested information.
  • In the event of a report of theft, loss, damage or any other incident related to a package. In this case we will always contact you and will only provide the information when we consider that you have not acted in good faith, when we consider that fraud, crime or an activity contrary to the law has been committed, that violates the rights of third parties or that endangers the security of the platform or users.

Can I delete my data?

Yes, you can request the deletion of your data at any time, by contacting our support team at

Your data will be deleted from our systems within 3 work days of your request.

Please note that if you request the deletion of your data, you will no longer be able to use the services provided by Mailjour, as your identity is necessary to use the platform.

Further information

If you have any questions or concerns about the identity verification process, please contact our support team at We will be happy to help you.

You can also visit the Stripe® website ( for more information on the terms and conditions of the identity verification service provided by Stripe® in your region.