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Challenge: The fastest confirmation in Oviedo.

Create your Provider account and publish a Quick Journey using the mobile app, with a reference point in Oviedo and a coverage range of 8000 meters.

Then, bid and confirm the services requested by @mailbot. You can earn up to 50 euros per confirmed service. The fastest confirmation wins the prize!

How to participate?

  1. Download the Mailjour Terminal mobile app for iOS or Android. You can download it here iOS or Android
  2. You must be of legal age and have legal residence in Spain
  3. You must create a Provider account and complete the onboarding process
  4. You must enter your tax information through the web app at -> Settings -> Billing and Taxes (
  5. You must bid (for the price indicated in the description of the package contents) and then confirm the service requests made by the user @mailbot. The Provider who confirms the service first, will win the prize indicated in the description of the package contents.


The services requested by @mailbot, are not real delivery services, they only allow you to obtain the prize described in the description. Therefore, it is not necessary for you to go anywhere, or pick up any packages.